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IQO chemical analyses


plus VAT per batch of extra virgin olive oil


  • Home collection of samples;

  • Release of the authenticated report and assignment of the IQO score.


After having identified a batch of EVO oil , coming from a single container , therefore identical in all its parts, you can request the collection of samples of that batch to submit it to IQO chemical analysis . Request the analyses digitally through the IQO Portal .

Sign up for an IQO subscription plan

After performing the IQO analyses and obtaining the suitability for IQO certification for one or more batches of EVO oil, activate a subscription plan to bottle your certified bulk batch, all additional costs are included in the fee. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Ramo

    Every year
    Fino a 500 bollini IQO annui - Up to 500 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - Fino a 500 bollini IQO all'anno
    • ENG - Up to 500 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - 4 sessioni di imbottigliamento per i bollini inclusi
    • ENG - 4 bottling sessions for included labels
    • ITA - Inserimento prodotti nel catalogo IQO
    • ENG - Product listing in the IQO catalog
    • ITA - Tutti i costi accessori sono inclusi
    • ENG - All additional costs are included
  • Oliva

    Every year
    Fino a 2.500 bollini IQO annui - Up to 2,500 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - Fino a 2.500 bollini IQO annui
    • ENG - Up to 2,500 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - 8 sessioni di imbottigliamento per i bollini inclusi
    • ENG - 8 bottling sessions for included labels
    • ITA - Inserimento prodotti nel catalogo IQO
    • ENG - Product listing in the IQO catalog
    • ITA - Tutti i costi accessori sono inclusi
    • ENG - All additional costs are included
  • Arbusto

    Every year
    Fino a 5.000 bollini IQO annui - Up to 5,000 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - Fino a 5.000 bollini IQO annui
    • ENG - Up to 5,000 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - 12 sessioni di imbottigliamento per i bollini inclusi
    • ENG - 12 bottling sessions for included IQO labels
    • ITA - Inserimento prodotti nel catalogo IQO
    • ENG - Product listing in the IQO catalog
    • ITA - Tutti i costi accessori sono inclusi
    • ENG - All additional costs are included
  • Olivo

    Every year
    Fino a 10.000 bollini IQO annui - Up to 10,000 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - Fino a 10.000 bollini IQO annui
    • ENG - Up to 10,000 IQO labels per year
    • ITA - 20 sessioni di imbottigliamento per i bollini inclusi
    • ENG - 20 bottling sessions for included labels
    • ITA - Inserimento prodotti nel catalogo IQO
    • ENG - Product listing in the IQO catalog
    • ITA - Tutti i costi accessori sono inclusi
    • ENG - All additional costs are included


On request

For needs exceeding 10,000 stamps per year

Subscription plan changes

  • For needs exceeding 10,000 labels per year, write to the email address to develop a personalized plan ;

  • The subscribed subscription can be canceled at any time by sending an email to , the cancellation will be effective from the following month;

  • By canceling the subscription , only the QR code consultation page of the remaining active adhesive labels, applied in the context of bottling sessions prior to the cancellation in question, will be kept online. In this case, the QR-code return page will be simplified and will only indicate the validity of the IQO certificate for that given batch of EVO oil, without any functionality covered by the IQO subscription plans;

  • For any further information, please consult our Rules of Use.

For any clarification regarding the subscription plans, contact us as much as you want!

Do you want to know how to enhance your company's EVO oil production with IQO? Download our infographic and sign up for free

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